Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Buy Reynolds Fun Shapes

So start ...

The coincidences. A few years ago I stopped believing in them and think they are for some reason. Looking for the name of this blog I thought one of the books I love, Momo, Michael Ende and suddenly I found I had also been a mythological god. I found the following article on a website and saw finally, I found a god that represents me. I leave with him. There is nothing better than starting a story with another story!

"The mythological legend that MOMO (also called Momos, Momus), was elected as a judge to resolve a dispute that kept the gods Hephaestus (god of fire), Hades (god of the underworld) and Athena (goddess of Intelligence and war), who had designed, respectively, a man, a bull, a house, and boasted of having achieved perfection, each with its invento.Momo told Hephaestus that his man was missing a window on the side left, to ensure immediate access to the heart, where of Hades urgencias.MostrĂ³ inconvenience that his bull had horns on both sides and not at the center, which will be more efficient in its last acometidas.Y Athena warned that the house lacked a quality of great importance: mobility, because whenever they had the presence of an undesirable neighbor, go to war or be victims of a plague, it would go. MOMO
extols the sense of humor and inventiveness, and the "shame? to symbolize the madness and play with it "


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