Thursday, September 17, 2009

Women Who Shave Genitals

Thus continued ...

write and think the only person I read. Is a fan who writes me a year after my first posted in this blog to my email asking me to keep doing it. I laugh. I have a fan, well, actually I know is friend of mine.

I encourage you to write, because even a friendship, I have a follower.
it is not easy to write, especially when what you're "good at is talking. The award to speak and ask for everything, what I have. Write, linking thoughts. Do not worry (well, I tell you you're the only one I read), now how do I explain.
I lie on the couch, stared at the ceiling. Lower ceiling fuck what I have!, No, that idea I do not like ceiling. How difficult is to write!. I would like to be a writer. With this thought if I sketch a smile. I have the text and call


From my earliest childhood, I always liked that childhood is a very nice stylistic resource for anyone who wants to be a writer. Oops, I lose, continuum, from my earliest childhood every time I liked something, I walked through the sense it was, seeing, hearing, smell, taste, touch and intuition, I wanted to be or do that. I mean, even if it is not very good reexplicar explain everything. What Hard to be a writer:)!

I saw my sisters were ready and I wanted to be as ready and get things as clear as they are. It turns out that I have not fully achieved because the know another person completely different and with great ability, I leave myself want to be. Do you get a taste of the interesting people there and the times I've changed my mind?

comics heroes have proved a headache. I've been a fan of Batman comics and after much was clear to reconsider some issues that I, like Batman, I would like to change and improve. He thought my Batcave beneath the bathroom of my house. It was a Batcave Super despite being aware that it is not Gotham City and the villainous Joker, Guadalajara and my arch enemy "Gelo" child who was always getting me for not going the same school as my "colleagues" in the neighborhood. Today I hooked the superpowers. I'm a fan of American series called "heroes" and I can promise hand on heart, that in many moments of boredom watching the low ceilings of my house, reaching to an object and try to move with the mind. I remain convinced, in my 30 years I have some extraordinary power. I have not discovered yet, but time to time.

And in me complicated adolescence. Know if it was complicated but the adjective seems to be attached to this term if it is used. In addition, it provides a dramatic component to overcome in my life, sensitive to this type of literature. As I said, with 16 years ¡¡¡¡¡ have to know what you going to do in life! (I ask the reader to accompany this phrase that is music among fans of suspense and tension.) I always wanted to know with clarity that had my classmates what to study and work on, but the defect that prevented me tell them.

A very general formula Institutes of Guadalajara was to orient studies was to invite a former student who tells us what his college career. Can you imagine my problem? Exactly. Everyone who came convinced me. I must admit I've been "convinced" my life easier but it was all so interesting, Telecommunications Engineering, Journalism, Languages \u200b\u200bArabic, Drama, History, Physics, Environment. I was sure I would be ideal in all these professions but suddenly the grim face reality hits me, I split costs between two and have never solved a math problem as "a train leaves from Barcelona and another ...." Would have to go by letters. There are so many letters, so little time and so few high notes ... I chose

be like my sisters, smart and practical. Social Educator I chose to be, but not before COU guts, plants very seriously Mus be professional player and not completely ruled out that the masonry work can be as worthy as anyone else.

Today, not only, I'm trying to move objects with his mind but to imagine, looking at the roof of my house - which seems to move a few millimeters each day and I do not know if it is low or mobile - what a great teacher of teachers it had been, the number of patients who had saved as a doctor, practical solutions that would offer my inventions humanity, peace as Dalai Lama causing etc.

not speak of the number of times I have been raising Olympic medals, being an NBA player, coach a football team or the greatest martial arts master of martial arts history of the universe. Not talk because I could talk a long time and I have to do is write, but I find it so complicated and so difficult to be a writer ...

If something comforting is that I never wanted to be like those people, I wanted to have their capacities my little body.

One has his tricks to do or be anything you want, lying on the couch and watching the roof ... or is it the ground? When you're much time lying realize that the ceiling and floor are the same thing, two flat parallel. If I turn around the floor was my ceiling and roof my floor. Sorry continued, one of my tricks is to tell stories or stories. I said that I'm good at talking and I take advantage of it. Storytelling allows you to tell as if it were real as everything that does not really do in your normal life. Although the real life and imaginary life is like my roof and my floor, it depends where you are situated one thing can be real even be imagined ... ufff what a mess this in writing!

to be ending, say no I think I can get rid of this defect and that lying on my couch, comes from my mouth with laughter when I look up. I realize that I have unwittingly become a painter and my ceiling is a large mural that holds all things in this life I want to do or be ...
will be better to be a talker than a writer!


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