Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Color Combination Calculator

Coca-Cola has made us happy

Dear Carlos:

Today I sat in my rocking chair on the porch of the house. Children played in the street and the traffic seemed especially happy this summer afternoon. I'm happy to be a person. I opened the cooler and I faced a difficult choice: I drink a beer or a Coca-Cola? You know I'm not an alcoholic and so I opted for the concoction of happiness. God, how good I've known. When those refreshing bubbles tickling my throat I felt the film my life pass before me. Then I remembered you, Inaki, Joseph, Javier, Luis, Robert, Alex and Angel.
Those were the days! We were the kings of mambo. Always teetering on the little girls, with our bottle of Coca-Cola in hand, with that unmistakable sound Despit cans like hand grenades, with that brown foam that predicted new adventures and golden moments together, so that friendship noble, so naive, so legal. Then I realized: Coca-Cola has made us happy, we have saved all the bad times, has given us something to go together, and where circumstances have separated us, your ads have maintained the flame alive in our hearts forever. No wonder Santa Claus change its green and red carbonated Amena. Two-drink and Santa Claus "represent the enthusiasm, kindness and sincere happiness.
know you're going through tough times. So I decided to write. Because we have discovered millions of universes together, because things have never been the same without our afternoons belches and furtive midnight our mixed drinks, because it unites us a sense of cosmic welfare for all beings in this world and others. Because I care a lot, and because, although the others are no longer here, when I pass the red truck of my favorite drink I remember them as much as I remember you.
Take care. I'll see. Alberto

------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Dear Alberto

're a motherfuckin of making country. Did I write 27 years after I diagnosed diabetes galloping horse to tell me your soplagaiteces and crap coming with me eternal friendship and happiness through Coca-Cola? But you are a moron or is your sadism not let you sleep? But did not you know that I cut both legs because of all the sugar I was getting into each "can of happiness"? That yes, that Coca-Cola was not his fault he was diabetic, but if I had been on heroin or pills really still have legs and no Robocop prosthesis.
I also remember those afternoons cola bottles in the park, staying with the kids and lifted her skirt. Like we took a liter of Coca-Cola each day. You went to Seattle, so there were when he took Luis to change the whole face because of caries. If you remember, Albertiko, Luis did not try the sweet, did you drink that is made to make people feel good. Well, his parents were ruined in the dentist and when decalcified bones because of the phosphoric acid could not afford treatment. All thanks to the elixir of the red can. He died eight years ago osteoporosis. Your bones do not bear. Javier
still alive. Is bedridden. Weighs 223 kg. They say he had a thyroid problem, but he was addicted to sugar of Coca-Cola had a lot to do with their weight. Keep drinking the canned happiness but it should not. What the hell you say a guy who has no desire to live or no recovery! IƱaki
died at 86 from lung cancer. Do not know about you, but the doctors pointed to methylimidazole from the brown coloring in your favorite drink to cause a trigger.
Jose is fine, as far as it goes. Have chronic insomnia because of the Coca-Cola and caffeine. Not sleep at night and the morning did not yield. He was fired from work. Of six papers. Has deteriorated a lot and is about to be evicted.
Roberto is hooked on cocaine. Never overcame his addiction to Coca-Cola and when he tried to leave and could not live without their daily ration (which is what is the coca leaf). At the end changed the other crap. More expensive, certainly.
Alex has had serious kidney problem, according to doctors for "massive ingestion of soft drinks." Now come with a machine and not weigh over 48 kilos. Angel
tachycardia had last year. I mean I had another tachycardia. Do not worry we'll have no more. His wife was the caffeine from the Coca-Cola to blame, but leave you to know.
I am well, fucking. I live on a machine and take a shit food. Every two or three months I cut a piece of limb. I've already been to the top amputee leg and left arm above the elbow. The doctors say I will not live more than four months. If you do not go back to writing is that I will not have to do right arm, which certainly do not see what it costs to take a pen with three fingers, which is what I have. My wife could not stand the successive amputations and left me a year ago. Nor is the blame. My character is unbearable. Luckily I still have friends like you to remind me that "Things Go Better with Coca-Cola." By the way, when you went to Seattle could have told us that the multinational had you hired as plant manager was a company of bottled soft drinks and happiness.



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