Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cross Soul Doujinshi English


The materials you will need are:

  • header you want to renew.
  • wood sealer.
  • medium grade sandpaper.
  • anticarcoma treatment.
  • brush.
  • cotton fabric printed in quantities to cover the head.
  • Upholstery Stapler or pins. Two
  • perrilas wood.
  • thin foam rubber to cover the head
  • yellow glue
Now create a personal and fun Cabora. First, you must carefully remove the old paint. Consecutively, you should apply anticarcoma, sealer and a generous coat of varnish. Then you cover the head with adhesive, and line it with foam.
Once done this, measure the front and back, and get ready to cut two pieces of cloth whose actions are consistent with previously obtained dimensions. Step
followed, must make the case: you sew the sides to the band and free up the seams of the base. Finally, you put on the bottom and secure with the pins carefully and repeat by hitting the knobs on the tops.


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