Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fixing The Chi Straightener

Sunday May 8 at 8 am in the Plaza del Arrabal.
Place, date and time were already preset for several days, but I did not sleep that night quite late.
I put the clock (7.07 - for that hobby that I have to put hours on the clock palindrome-) because I knew it would be worth getting up early.

"... although we did not reach the hundred" phrase now legendary in these excursions, we headed Tiñosillos to 8.15 hours.

morning is magnificent.

Just get off the car, a cry watching a golden eagle!
- Oh, and I even prepared without the camera (although I think it take a world to distinguish the birds)
look at the sky and there he was, having the courtesy to return to flight before us and remain - majestic - on top of a distant pine, less so for the scope of good binoculars.

Luisjo, our "spiritual guide of the birds," then said that we should move the cars, if I had a nest near where we parked. This mentality of 100% respect for nature is what it would take a lot.

Then as we descended towards the river Adaja - "my river" - we explained that it was a "checkerboard", that is, an eagle between 4 and 5. "The chicks are born blonde and as they grow, they become a brown feathers, but do so gradually by first forming stains that simulate a chess board, hence the name checkerboard "

Adaja River with the sun shining in the morning. Wow, that poetic.

herbs still retained the dew ...

herbs even kept the dew and I had the sense to discover the river for the first time.

The steam coming out of the water - fog and ford are words that come quickly in the conversation, stating that ford is the place "where you could walk across the river" and leave fords the river names Adaja - well, again without paper and pen to jot down these things ... I hope the "write" these data provide us official.
The steam coming out of the water ...

We got to see a pine tree with two glasses, which, according to the surprise Luisjo our friend, you must be another kind of "very rare bird"

We got to see a pine tree with two glasses ...

Walking along the river, we arrived at the rest area. Lunch area, an area for revitalization - if someone has lost -. Sandwiches, fruit, water, beer and even a cask of wine out of backpacks.

A kite is added to food.

is a backwater of the river, where, in an "artificial", poplars have been planted around the idea of \u200b\u200bselling the wood for plywood - "between 15 and 20 years must pass from planting until harvesting" -. All in perfect row leaves a picture, though forced by the hand of man, not without its charm.

Leave a photo, though forced ...

continue upstream, but not in slope, and found an old wheel used to draw water and irrigate an esplanade, now pure fallow. The trasquilones, the trigger, even the donkey is blindfolded so as not to marease out in conversation.
Most people want to make a "donkey" and draw water. The sound of water falls down the well fills the time.

On these trips, the "life" of the photographer is very hard, not only have to carry the team ...

La vida de "fotógrafo" es muy dura ...

Mientras seguimos paseando podemos ver los muchos y distintos verdes que pueblan estos parajes. Es ahora un “ratonero” quien vuela cerca de nosotros.
Mientras seguimos paseando podemos ver los muchos y distintos verdes ... 

Es hora de empezar el camino de vuelta. Para ello subimos de nuevo al pinar, as we turn from the pines.
We detoured a bit to see the remains of an ancient village or settlement in the pine forest. Pottery shards and pebbles - they are not here naturally, explains our guide - are to him is clear evidence that we are on the ruins. The passage of time, long time, has removed all other construction, but a small hill, very square, sheds light on the theory that we are where stood the ancient village church. There is only digging a bit ... or a lot.

is time to land animals. Lizards, lizards, dung beetles, the famous concrete flowing everywhere, and, tucked into this group, two butterflies "Busted" at the time of intercourse, which are left to their chagrin, I guess, shooting over and over again.

two butterflies "Busted" at the time of intercourse ...

the famous concrete flowing everywhere ...

Around the pines is faster marking the road and is close to the valley or cut that wraps the river Adaja. More photos of the group make me be late and therefore miss the conversations I sure would be interesting. Again the scribes, within the group, illuminate us.

scribes Again, within the group, enlighten us ...

scribes Again, within the group, enlighten us ...

I get to reach and close to the cars, and entered into the conversation about the origin of the names of some of the nearby villages. Who tells us tells us: "there are three sources of knowledge. The first popular legend, the second the theories of scholars, and a third that of logic. Of the three, we recalaca, the third is that, for me, has more validity "

For example, say Ataquines comes from a phrase" Ines Ata here "and tells us that" when it flew by Isabella to Arévalo, a shoe was untied and told her maid, named Agnes: Agnes Ata here. The legend is this, but the truth is that it takes its name from the small hills - Ataquines - that surround the north and south.

also leaves it up the Orbit name. In this case, a historian who has even written a book on place names in the area, has a theory that, at death, in the thirteenth century, King Alfonso VIII, near Gutierrez Muñoz, when told to troops his death, someone said in Latin "vita orbi" or "such is life" and that this led to the terms of orbits. Today it is documented that Orbit name, so like many others in this region, is given by the settlers of those people who either assigned its own name, as would be the case, since the name comes from two names of time, Don and Don Golden Life, or gave him the name of the place where they came from.

On the way back, and in the car, I asked about the origin of the name of Arévalo, but that is another story ...

But why is the title of this post is "panoramic tour"?, you may ask ...

Very simple for this:

the next tour, where, "... although we got a hundred ..."


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