Friday, April 1, 2011

Best Initiations Ever

indication Cañada Real Burgalesa passing through

La Cañada Real Burgalesa : joins the meadows of southwest pro province of Cáceres with Sierra de la Demanda, among Burgos and La Rioja .

They are called Cañadas Reales those canyons Castilian traditional use, governed by royal edict of Alfonso X the Wise in 1273. While the paths by the gullies then known as real were routes used since antiquity by grazing trnashumante, the decree of Alfonso X sought by the regulation, management and protection of certain roads because of their importance, use or location deserved be preserved for possible violations. Thus, together with the creation of the Council of the Mesta were defined as the actual creeks. A real creek should have a width of 90 yards Castilian (72.22 meters) and had the characteristic of being very long-distance paths (500 km) and runs mainly north-south with the logical constraints imposed geography. With real regulation, was also forbidden to cut that commonly performed adjoining property owners by moving markers.
since 2007, are included in the indicative list of Unesco is the preliminary to any future application to world heritage, as real Cañadas (cattle trails of the plateau).
While in rural areas, most of the creeks still retains its original layout, in any case is a vestige of its width and enacted in 1273. Similarly, many actual creeks crossed or passed close to small towns, that urbanized grow above them, without respecting their path. In the best when it has respected the original trip, the canyons that cross people do it for paved roads.
On the one hand the decline in livestock, and other feed use (avoiding the need to seek new pastures), was falling into disuse the glens, which were being occupied by cuts surrounding farms. Currently, the gorges are used by hikers and cyclists that pastors.

In Spain, the network of actual creeks have a length of 125,000 kilometers long (comparatively, the railroad has 15,000), occupying 425,000 hectares.

Some references to the Cañada Real Burgalesa:

"De Valoria Vertavillo to have had the opportunity to travel on one of them, the Cañada Real Burgalesa, used by the pastors of the Sierra de la Demanda to arrive, especially in Extremadura.
This canyon is preserved relatively well, crosses as lonely in the wilderness of the Esgueva and parallel to the river from Hérmedes de Cerrato to the vicinity of Valladolid, where lower plateau between Rene and Santovenia to reach the resting the prairie del Carmen, where herds spent the night.
In short, we can still say in the XXI century we moved by genuine real canyon. Measuring ninety yards or more in most of the distances to walk now. "

El Gobierno de España, mediante un convenio del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino con la Junta de Castilla y León, ejecutará proyectos de deslinde, amojonamiento y señalización de la Cañada Real Burgalesa en su trayecto por las provincias de Burgos, Palencia y Valladolid.
La Cañada Real Burgalñesa, que unía Extremadura con la Sierra de la Demanda, recorre las provincias de Valladolid, Palencia and Burgos. In lands of Burgos passes through the municipalities of Tortola Esgueva, Torresandino, Lerma, Iglesiarrubia, Hazelnut Muñó, Quintanilla de la Mata, Santa Inés, Quintanilla del Agua, Mecerreyes, Mambrillas de Lara, Lara Jurisdiction, Campolo, Villaespasa, Jaramillo Quemado , Jaramillo de la Fuente, Vizcaino, Barbadillo del Pez, Monterrubio Valley Valdelaguna and Demand.

Three Spaniards along with a tough as they faced tough Rioja and achieved the not inconsiderable cover 131 km walking distance of the historic and very popular old real canyon created by the Royal Sdad. Cattlemen of the Mesta and from the thirteenth century, given the royal privileges that had, routes that served to guide their flocks across the length and width English geography and lead them to places where summer pastures were rich, fresh and plentiful for livestock feed.

The only reference linking and Cañada Real Burgalesa Arévalo is this canada-real-burgalesa.html

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