Friday, April 29, 2011

Fastest Laser Printer

Excel Grid USB Garbage

'm a hedonist of the psyche under the influence of substances and their revelations dreamlike and hallucinatory. I live in a world that transcends the conventions of it.

The people's favorite season is autumn. The very precious leaves of poplars, oaks and willows fall to the ground as a priceless gift of nature. It is forbidden them out of their branches, but when they fall are the most valuable treasures. The leaves are all different, and have unfathomable secrets at a glance: talk about the ages of trees, who have drunk the rain, animals that have cherished, the rays that have immortalized the flames that have been purified and the winds that have rocked. For all these reasons you never see on the ground at the foot of the trees or on the curbs of roadways. People cling to them like 500 notes, and there are those who even now are selling your collection to alleviate the effects of the crisis.
USB flash drives, however, are the cancer of our society. All are equal, all contain the same: trash in the form of YouTube videos, MP3 music middling horrendous data files and meetings, and millions of photos of loved frozen in the monumental boredom of the cities they visit. Everything is to accumulate more and more digital waste. For so long ago uselessness USB spikes accumulate on streets, bins, dumps, ditches, beaches and forests. You take a randomly, connect and you're more or less the same as you would find anywhere else. Have even organized patrols USBs cleaning, but can not cope.


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