Saturday, April 30, 2011

Test Wordpress Form Outside Of My Lan

Easter Arévalo 2011, a set on Flickr.
After several days at the computer, I have finished the album Arévalo Easter this year 2011.

are 99 pictures "main", since many of them are associated with photos showing, so including them, we are talking about 200 photos on our Easter.

The album link is:

The album begins with "Via Matris," then, only two photos relating to Palm Sunday - I could not go to the procession -. Continuing the album with the Holy Wednesday, photos of the suspension of the procession of Holy Thursday, the "Via Crucis on Good Friday and the procession of the same day at night, and finally with regard to processions, photos Easter Sunday. Ends

album this year with two "paragraphs" special, duets, two images share a single photo and the series "... in El Salvador", referring to photos taken within the Church of El Salvador, on test and during visits to that church.

You know you have to click on the photo you please see enlarged pictures thus showing "ancillary" if any.

I hope you enjoy the article and take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the Easter of Arevalo, both brothers and also people who have followed the processions, the facilities have had to do these - and many more - photos.


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