Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brazilian Wax Safe During Pregnancy

Arévalo Juan Jesus Villaverde. Recycled iron sculptures. Heating

Come see

During the weekends the months of April, May, June and July you can visit the exhibition of sculptures made from recycled iron by Juan Jesus Villaverde, exposure is within the Castillo de Arévalo, so for the same price - no, it's free - you can visit the exhibition, the Museum and the Castle Cereal Arevalo. Come on, a three on a hard to beat.

Last Sunday I was with Juan Jesus to tell me things of his sculptures. Unlike other "interviews" posted on this blog, this time going by appointment, so I had prepared some questions, as you will see quite typical.

Juan Jesus Villaverde and his "warriors"

Then comes the interview:

What was your first sculpture?
first thing I did was a warrior, finish called him.
The Warrior "born" from iron discs I found that gave me the idea of \u200b\u200ba shield that idea came the warriors. In this art, or in this creation, always sends the material to me.

Why did you start?
On a trip in France I saw a gate with glued elements, objects, and that was my starting gun. Before I tell you that my first sculpture was the warrior Acabel, but what really did it for the first time was a grid, much like what I saw in France, which preserve.

What is your sculpture Favorite?
Reaper sitting. Well, preferred are all - quickly corrected - but the Reaper has a personal story behind that is, the position has been that I had when I was sick, related to a herniated disc. I was a man "damaged" and wanted to make a figure that was also without being able to lift. Later, after my recovery, "transformed" in reaper, and I put a straw hat, though it weighs more, because it was not damaged figure was a reaper and then resting rise, like me, I recovered.
Also, because of its sentimental favorite I have of the piper who plays the flute. Anyone who knows me knows why.

"My disease inspired the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Reaper"

Got something to do this art work with your professional work?
Not really. I learned to weld as a monitor in Schools Workshop, my friend the blacksmith gave me a basic understanding of welding and forging, which is a master of the remaining few. The creative bug inside me I think forever, but I have channeled when circumstances allowed .

Do you sell the sculptures?
No. I do as a hobby and I like to teach, that people will see, for I explain why, but I have thought about them for sale. Those who do not keep it because I've given to friends. In this exhibition there are some that I gave that to me have "borrowed" for the occasion, so you can say, as in major museum exhibitions, you can see pieces from "private collections"

"The Pied Piper pulled me too much of the heart"

Where do you get the materials, the raw material?
iron Some parts I find them, but most are donated. Many people know me and know my hobby. So call me and say "I have this junk can serve you, if you want to see it." Yesterday I went to pick up a wheelbarrow with pieces of iron. I have it in the shop awaiting sorting and ordering. To me that is a treasure.

And how did the figure?
always start with a piece that gives me the idea. I have already commented that always sends the material, therefore I see a piece and the idea. In the warriors were the records that became shields and then became warriors. In the dinosaur, just see the head piece which I thought that this piece makes a dinosaur.
not have the part that gives me the idea and I get to do it and finish it. No. The process is longer. Begins with the piece which gives the idea and then I give way to what I already know I want to do with what I have. But the problem arises that I need to finish parts and "Parked" until the meeting. I had unfinished sculptures for several months just because they had the "feet" that I liked or needed.

"This warrior, like smoking, your lungs with holes"

modified "iron pieces which are then soldered?
No. Absolutely not. This is my main idea or my golden rule. Do not change any parts or give you a different way than it has to be better suited to sculpture. You may have to cut - for example, the strings that make the spider's web was a much longer chain, and to serve me I had to cut it into smaller pieces, but I have not changed. Another example might be the hair of the flutist who obviously are curved, but that's how I got these irons, just with that way, so I served as a hair.

"Do not modify the shape of any piece. All over the short"

Apart from the idea, which for me is already maximum difficulty, where is the difficulty of creating a sculpture?
In welding. Use very different parts, ie very different steel or cast iron. In a piece I welded a steel very sweet, with a cast iron. It is quite complicated, at least for a non-professional like me.

Do you know any other artist of the "junk"?
If I have seen other sculptures created with the same idea of \u200b\u200bsoldering irons, but in both cases I know there is a prior process of transformation of the pieces to fit into the picture. Not better or worse, is different from mine.

What is most striking to visitors?
A rural people what they like is to recognize the parts I used. I have come to say, "that is the suspension spring Deutz tractor." They love to recognize the piece and see the use I have given.
city people what they see is the general composition, sculpture, what it represents.

What is the sculpture by the most interested, that like?
Again There are two very distinct groups.
Kids will love the seahorse and the spider. For the elders, men and women Chinese sunflowers.
"Kids love the Seahorse"

Where have you exposed?
time ago I did a small exhibition in Arevalo, the House of Sesma. Some sculptures are here, and you were there.
I have also exhibited in Sanchidrian - that's my people - in Navas de la Asuncion and Cuellar, in the Castillo de Cuellar, which initially were to be exposed one week and stayed three months - it seems they tasted -
Arévalo Castle This is the most important and will last until July. It seems incredible, just a week ago that began the presentation and it seems that the sculptures have been in the courtyard of the castle life.

What are you working now?, If those involved in something
I'm always "gotten into something." Now I am finishing a figure that represents a butane. You can imagine that I am doing the body part. I lack hands and some detail, but may before the end of the exhibition at the Castle of Arevalo, which is over and come to "get together" with the rest.

This is a first and a "secret"
upload the picture somewhat pixelated

Finally, tell me something you want to know.
nice thing for me is the second life with the irons and parts usage. They all have their soul. The plow, which has worked so hard making furrows in the sand, which has helped its owner to earn a living, becomes a swan. These scissors are shear sheep. Imagine the thousands of times they have been used. Have soul.

"The plow becomes swan

Well, Juan Jesus, thank you very much for your words. I have to confess that I, the one I like is that of the scraping of the fish, but tastes ....

The one I like to me, is this

I can only invite.
Data from the exhibition, you can find on the website of the City of Arévalo . If you are lucky enough to be Juan Jesus (you know, the bearded), because I sure has a lot more.


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